Hamilton East School
Te Kura o Hamutana Ki Te Rawhiti
Telephone (07) 839-3377
Fax (07) 838 3997
Ham East Lions Basketball Team
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Basketball season begins this Friday 11th May. 
In order for your child to be a part of our basketball team, they need to have fees paid as well as have transport to and from the games provided by their parent /arranged transport with another parent whose child is in the Team. Thank you to those parents who have paid their fees already.
Your child's Coach is Boris and he will be running training sessions every Friday lunchtime 12.30 - 1.20. We also require more support with coaching as Boris is not available in June/July. Please contact Whaea Georgia if you can help in any way.
Players are being allocated a uniform that they must be responsible for. This means taking good care of it, washing it, bringing it to each game and returning it in amazing condition at the end of the season. If a uniform is lost you will be responsible for paying to replace it. Players need to make sure that they wear the uniform that has been allocated to them. Please make sure that they bring a drink bottle and appropriate footwear (sport shoes) to each game as well as a jacket to keep warm.
Georgia Cox-Wright
Basketball Coordinator
Hamilton East School